Microsoft Exchange Server 2003 管理员必备指南

Microsoft Exchange Server 2003 管理员必备指南


本书专为支持Microsoft Exchange Server 2003的IT专业人员使用而编写。针对使用这种下一代消息传递和协作平台以获得更好的性能、协同性和用户端体验,书中提供了实质细节。本书能让读者随手查阅专家关于安装、迁移、管理和故障诊断的建议,包括快速参考表、简明列表和逐步说明。本书作者曾经编写过20余本获奖计算机读物。

Microsoft Exchange Server 2003 Administrator’s Pocket Consultant is designed to be a concise and compulsively usable resource for Microsoft Exchange Server 2003 administrators. This is the readable resource guide that you’ll want on yourdesk at all times. The book covers everything you need to perform the core administrative tasks for Exchange Server 2003. Because the focus is on giving you maximum value in a pocket-sized guide, you don’t have to wade through hundreds of pages of extraneous information to find what you’re looking for.Instead, you’ll find exactly what you need to get the job done.

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