这个简单的脚本会提示输入目标邮箱、 获得当前用户、 将所需的权限应用到目标邮箱和邮箱导出到 PST 文件。
$TargetUserName = Read-Host “Enter the user you would like to Export”
$TargetArchiveDir = Get-Item “\\FILE-SERVER\ARCHIVE PST\”
$CurrentHostName = hostname
$CurrentProfile = Gwmi Win32_ComputerSystem -Comp $CurrentHostName
“Logged On As User: ” + $CurrentProfile.UserName
Write-Host “Setting Permissions” -ForeGroundColor Yellow
Add-MailboxPermission -Identity $TargetUserName -User $CurrentProfile.Username -AccessRights ‘FullAccess’
Write-Host “Exporting Mailbox” -ForeGroundColor Yellow
Export-Mailbox -identity $TargetuserName -PSTFolderPath $TargetArchiveDir -Confirm:$True
Write-Host “You can now Delete the user – I’m too scared to do it for you!” -ForeGroundColor Yellow
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